понеделник, 21 юни 2010 г.

StarCraft 2 Vortex Nuke EN

This will be another publication,that i will learn you.This is the Vortex Nuke.
This trick is verry useful with the mods-2v2,3v3 and 4v4. To complete this tactics u need the two races-Prottos and Terran.
The Protoss is needed for the Vortex,And the Terran is needed for the nuke.
To create Vortex u need a Mother Ship,the mother ship is making by the Nexux,or the maine base of the Protoss. To Create a building
u need pylon,to create pylon u need a probe,to create probe u need the nexus. After u Created the pylon u need to make Gateway-this
is the maine building for the Prottos fight units. When you build the Gateway,you have the opportunity to create Sybornetics core. This building
is using for the upgrades of the Protoss Flight units,aslo for the uprgade for the Gateway,to become Warp Gate.
What the Cybornetics core do??-you have the chance to create Twilight Council,this building is using for the
Charge ability for the Zealots,aslo the upgrades for the Stalkers,the Blink ability. The other think that the Cybornetics core does is
the canche to create Stargates-this is the bulding of the Protoss,for the ships.-Phoenix,Void Ray,Carrier's. After u have create the Stargate
u have the chance to create Fleet Beacon,who is actualy the building that you need to create the Mother Ship.The Mother Ships
hase 3 ability's The first is Mass Recall,like the Arbiter in the first part of the game. The Mother Ship can make the buldings and the units 50% invisible.
And teleport them.
the 3 ability is the vortex that you need for the tric today. It last 20 sec.
Now,how to create the Nuke bomb. u Have to create Barraks.To Create Barraks, u need a SCV,this is the main builder for the Terran. Aslo the SCV is using for gathering
minerals and gas. The Barraks is the bulding for the Terran ground units.-Marine,Marourder,Reaper and the Ghost. After u have create the Barraks u need to make a Ghost Academy
this is the bulding for the upgrades of the Ghost.The Cloack ability,And the Bomb itself. you cannot make bomb untill u don't have the Factory-this is the bulding-for the
more like of the strong army for the Terran.-Seage Tank,Thor,Helions. When u create the Factory u have the chance to Creaty a Starport. This is the bulding for the Terrans
Flight ships-Banshee,Raven,Battle Crusier.After you and your partner have the Ghost and the Mother Ship you can now make the Vortex Nuke
The Protoss player have to make the Vortex,then the Terran player have to make the Nuke On top of the Votex. All the traped enamy units in the Vortex can't run and
exacly after the Vortex time is over the Nuke will Fall Down and Destroy everything. The Resoults are Deadly.